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« A meandering, ragged argument | Main | A matter of scale »

September 13, 2005


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Great photo of the Babe.Your photos are part of what sets Sisu apart as artistic as well as Darwinian.

Your post reminds me, and I should have told you earlier, that our cat Moe acted as Lassie to Dymphna's Timmy last weekend when she had her little drama. My post about her accident is here (includes picture of Moe): http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2005/09/posting-will-be-light-headed-again.html

Totally PAW-some. What a "tail." All best to Dymphna, and extra treats for Moe. :)

Nuh-uh, no extra treats for Moe. That boy has a serious weight problem. He suffers from a tendency to get bladder infections, has had two surgeries, and used to weigh 23 pounds. Down to a svelte 17.5 now, thanks to his rigorous diet. He's been a very expensive cat; it's a good thing he has such a sweet personality.

I occasionally toss him little chunks of beef gristle. But the poor guy gets very little fun otherwise.

Okay, then, extra pats for Moe. What a sweetheart. :)

Great pics.

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