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September 18, 2005


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Hello !
Your blog is very interesting and i'll keep on watching it.
If you're interested in 3D for architecture you might have a look at mine !


it's in french, but you can easely translate it !

you can also find interesting topics about architecture at http://www.edifik.fr

Nice stuff, Edifik. :) Merci.

corbusier should take a peek at the work of Richard Morris Hunt (base of the Statue of Liberty, among many others), H.H. Richardson (Ames Memorial, etc.) and numerous other highly revered 19th c. architects associated w/ memorials.

Thank you Sissy for linking to my blog. That's a nice picture of Asplund's pavilion and Carlo Scarpa's Brioni Tomb.

Tuck, I agree that nineteenth century architects were very talented in incorporating traditional typologies (Greek Mausoleum, Obelisks, Pavilions) to monumentalize the achievements of the dead. You can rarely go wrong on memorials when you use the classical idiom with respect. The trouble is, almost all contemporary architects are uneducated in beaux-arts traditions, and are philosophically too post-modern (ie, relativist) to incorporate classical virtues with memorials.

Even if highly revered 19th century architects have produced successful memorial designs, these projects are never presented in architecture schools since they don't deal much with architectonic space and delving into the sacred is too much for the mostly philosophically timid instructors.

Hope to see you all at my blog again!

Really Amazing. I like it so much.

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