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August 05, 2005


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That snake (yuck) looked a lot bigger in the first picture. So glad it was very tiny. My kitties look at phantom insects in the air, but have never found a snake. They gave me a present of a bird once and it took me a while to figure out where they got it. They are all inside cats, scared to go out so I was at a loss. Finally figured out that the bird had flown into the grill of my van and they had found it in the garage already deceased.

By the way, thanks for commenting on my site. Do you have any sculptors? I had never looked at it that way.

My Molly of long ago was a sculptress like your boy.

Yay! Post more of the snake!

Beautiful. Can anything so delicate and so perfect be real? Our kitties seem to think so. It moves, so they attack. So very real to them, danger or not. I love it. Thanks.

Little Pond

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