Pajamas Media types Juliette Ocheing (left) and Eric Umansky tell it like they see it in their blogs, baldilocks and
"Maybe TP is reading too much into that, but if the situation in New Orleans is drawing out tensions, including racial ones, then that's worth exploring, no?," writes Eric Umansky, raising our dander ever so slightly as we took in one of of our favorite daily reads -- Umansky's Slate column, "Today's Papers" -- with those first sips of coffee this morning:
The Los Angeles Times talks to some of the looters, who unlike your average D.C. briefer, were happy to go on the record. "I just took what I need," said "Marie Brown, 36," who grabbed cookies and shampoo from a drugstore. "Everyone you see out here, they're just trying to survive," she said.
We'd heard that some of the moonbats were taking the looters' side, and Umansky finishes up with ambiguous LAT reportage of possible police insensitivity Down Yonder towards a fleeing black woman with babe in arms who may or may not also be a looter. Wanna step outside, sir? But no, it turns out the estimable Eric is a blogger -- proprietor of -- one of Pajamas Media's stable of seekers of wisdom and truth. A nice place to visit.
Speaking of wisdom and truth -- not to mention sugar and spice and everything nice -- one of our favorite girl bloggers (Vive la difference: There's nothing sweeter or saucier than conservative girl bloggers -- Just ask Tuck.) shares top billing at Pajamas Media today. Oh, you kid. It's baldilocks, aka Juliette Ocheing, former cryptological specialist in German and Russian languages. Her last name comes from an awesome biological Kenyan papa, "an accomplished African journalist." She's a fellow Cotillion Babe and is prone to cutting through the undergrowth of lies and half truths to get to the clearing of truth that makes us free. Another daily read, big time. Her latest post is close to our heart in these trembling, trembling post-Katrina times:
Noah's Wish is an organization which saves and protects our four-legged friends.
You know how we feel about that. More heartwarming comments from blogpal Teresa of Technicalities responding to our previous post:
If you didn't see it, over at Blackfive, Matt had a post about Keesler AFB which was hit hard. About the first thing they put up on their web site to reassure people is that their pets are doing well in the shelter! I was surprised they were that thoughtful with everything else going on.
Saint Francis is smiling down upon us.
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