Mother Sheehan as Louis XIV. "L'etat, c'est moi," declared The Sun King. "Im in control," echoed the star of "The Cindy Show." (Photoshop composite of a royal portrait after Rigau and a Leo Shane III / S&S photo)
"I'm in control," protested out-of-control Cindy Sheehan in response to critics' pointing out that she is but a prop -- puppet is the preferred term -- in the monomaniacal fantasies of the official Bush Lied, People Died community.
The grieving mother's imperiousness -- she is refusing to go home until she gets to tell the Leader of the Free World, to his face, how to conduct foreign policy -- called to mind the words of Louis XIV, The Sun King:
In my heart I prefer fame above all else, even life itself . . . Love of glory has the same subtleties as the most tender passions . . . In exercising a totally divine function here on earth, we must appear incapable of turmoils which could debase it.
Happy at last as she basks in all that attention, Cindy Sheehan gives thumbs up to fellow travelers who are more than happy to use her moral confusion to bash the President.
"America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for," avers Cindy Sheehan, whose blogospheric friends and foes are feeding her hunger to be noticed by keeping her name #1 and #4 in Technorati's "Top searches for this hour." Meanwhile, the Founding Fathers continue spinning in their graves 24/7.
Update: This just in from Paul at Blogs for Bush: "Liberalism is a mental disease. Cindy Sheehan proves that over and over."
"America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for."
Then why don't you move, Cindy?
It seems that she and the left are hell-bent that the military is a bunch of stupid 'children' who are unable to make their own choices. Sorry, by the age of 18, you are legally considered an adult. Also, no one holds these ADULTS at gunpoint to enlist, and I'm willing to bet that they know that when they enlist in the military -- it will be dangerous.
Posted by: andophiroxia | August 16, 2005 at 10:06 AM