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August 01, 2005


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Thanks Sissy! Awesome.

The Cotillion, the power of the Blogosphere! How to go!

If Britain is slowly waking from the sleep of political correctness and deciding the searching of elderly white females might not be the best use of time, maybe there is hope for the other side of the Atlantic.

Thank you Sissy!

Great job Sissy!

Hey, I've turned on the trackback options on my site if you want to ping me for that. Sorry if it didn't go through prior to a few hours ago.

You're a wonderful hostess. :)

Fabulous job Sissy!

I'm working on sending you a trackback but it's giving me fits. I'll probably end up spamming you.

Ha! Yep, managed to spam you from Jody's blog. My talent knows no bounds.

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