Reprint of graphics for our campaign-season post last fall, "Ladies' Choice" features "doofus John F. Kerry trashing fellow vets before Fulbright Committee 1971 (left) and hottie flyboy George W. Bush giving us a big smile during Texas National Air Guard service during Vietnam Era" (George Bush Presidential Library and Museum)
"I think it's a stunning, unbelievably simple and understandable statement of the truth and a profoundly important document that raises stunning issues here at home," cock-eyed pessimist John Kerry told a Massachusetts Standard Times interviewer last week, reports NewsMax:
Failed presidential candidate John Kerry said Thursday that he intends to confront Congress with a document touted by critics of President Bush as evidence that he committed impeachable crimes by falsifying evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Citing the Downing Street Memo, former presidential candidate Ralph Nader called for an impeachment investigation on Tuesday in an op-ed piece published by the Boston Globe.
"It is time for Congress to investigate the illegal Iraq war as we move toward the third year of the endless quagmire that many security experts believe jeopardizes US safety by recruiting and training more terrorists," wrote Nader with co-author Kevin Zeese.
Gosh and golly. Last time we looked it was just John Conyers and what Kevin Aylward of Wizbang! calls the Congressional Moonbat Caucus that were leading the charge. This thing's starting to look downright coordinated at the national level. Is that you, Hillary, behind yonder curtain? And here we thought The Big Brass Alliance and After Downing Street -- blogged here, here and here -- were -- as Soros-backed MoveOn pretended to be -- just li'l ole grassroots groups of concerned citizens. Need an antidote? Sail on over to Captain Ed's and savor the soothing, cooling "The Self-Indulgence Of The American Media And Leftist Establishment." A few excerpts to whet your appetite:
If American servicemen at Gitmo have beaten or tortured prisoners, we need to know about it and put a stop to it. However, all of this hue and cry over how we treat printed material -- and even the steps that the Pentagon put in place to treat it "respectfully," such as requiring gloves and such -- demonstrate a complete lack of perspective about who and what our enemy is.
If Saturday Night Live wrote a parody of American hypersensitivity in fighting a war on terror, I doubt they could create something more ridiculous than this. Can you imagine our grandparents having this kind of debate had an American guard pissed on Mein Kampf at a POW camp for German POWs?
The media and the Leftist establishments such as the ACLU and Amnesty International use crap like this to set up impossible standards of behavior, then pretend that we're no better than our enemies when we fail to perfectly meet them. That's why AI used the "gulag" comparison earlier this week, and why Michael Isikoff and Newsweek decided to break the story that rampant abuse of printed material occurred at Gitmo. It's a deliberate attempt to undermine support for a war they don't like, and pathetically, Americans seem to have fallen for the hype.
We're not sure Americans have fallen for the hype, but Spiro Agnew is surely rolling over in his grave as the "nattering nabobs of negativism" give it their all. So glad sad-sack, glass-half-empty Kerry isn't the Leader of the Free World. What does it say about his contempt for the American people when he embraces the "smoking gun" of Downing Street Memogate as "stunning, unbelievably simple and understandable"? Doh?
Update: "Looking at the document in context, it is hard to see what the commotion is about," writes James S. Robbins at NRO, cited by Kevin Aylward, who predicts:
With Sen. John Kerry and Rep. John Conyers (neither a stranger to grandstanding non-sanctioned "inquiries") both working to keep the memo in the news, let me be the first to predict that one (or both) will hold a Winter Soldier-style hearing on the memo.
Let us be the first to second that emotion.
Time to send the Tories, ie, the liberals back to the Europe they love and from which their ancestors came. When the American Revolution came, some went back to England and others to Canada.
Posted by: goomp | June 04, 2005 at 04:52 PM
I guess I'll just have to stay here on the Paranoids bench, since I find it unavoidable to think that "a war they don't like" is not the first or only thing they are trying to undermine.
Posted by: Mr.Kurtz | June 04, 2005 at 05:53 PM
Scoot over Mr Kurtz because I'm staying on the bench as well
Posted by: sherry | June 05, 2005 at 12:44 AM
Let's say Kerry's right, and he's found proof President Bush falsifyed evidence of WMD. What then? What does he think he'll accomplish? Does he think we'll impeach Bush and put a Democrat in office? All we'll have then is a Democratic president with an even bigger problem in the Middle-East, because this kind of revelation would make the problems worse and cause major harm to America. There's too many Americans who can't see past their own agendas to do what's best for America. Sometimes that means keeping your mouth shut.
Posted by: Mama Jones | June 06, 2005 at 01:24 AM
What's even funnier is that if Bush were to be impeached, the moonbats would have PRESIDENT CHENEY. hahahahahahahaha!
Seriously, though, they are pathetic in their interpretation of misdeeds with every single thing they read. It just shows how desperate and miserable they are. Professional losers!
Nyah nyah, we won, you lost! Gloat gloat gloat!
They couldn't care less about Iraq; it's all about the "Repukes", nothing more. You know, since we're all fascists/nazis/zionists/theocrats/rednecks/little Eichmanns.
Now I have a headache from rolling my eyes! ;-P
Posted by: Beth | June 07, 2005 at 02:10 PM