Still from Dutch provocateur Theo Van Gogh's controversial film short "Submission," described in an ifilm blurb as a "metaphorical look at the harsh realities of the lives of Muslim women in the Netherlands." After the film was shown on Dutch TV last fall, Islamicists brutally murdered Van Gogh and issued death threats to his collaborator, liberal Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee who fled an arranged marriage and renounced the Islamic faith.
"It serves the purposes of the feminists et al to ignore the brutality of Islam towards women, in favor of demanding that the Harvard President whimper and wallow before them in abject apology for remarks that were scientifically justified," writes an angrily sarcastic psychiatrist/blogger Dr. Sanity [via The Royal Flush]. Like ourselves, she's had it up to here with the moral equivalence of our fellow citizens who "fault America --who is doing MORE than required for these enemy combatants -- while completely ignoring the brutally perverse treatment accorded to Americans by the terrorists." She compares their behavior to that of relatives and friends who enable anti-social behavior in her patients:
I find that that the MSM, the left, feminists and various other assorted groups I choose to comment on all wittingly or unwittingly enable, support or facilitate terror and terrorists . . . Whether their behavior is conscious or not, I really don't care. The results are the same.
The good doctor would be both heartened and disheartened at recent developments in The Netherlands [via InstaPundit], where some of the feminists appear to have been mugged by the reality of the rise of Islamicist intolerance and terror in their own live-and-let-live backyard:
In what appears to be a Europe-wide pattern, some feminists are aligning themselves with the anti-immigrant right against their former multiculturalist allies on the left. Joining them in this exodus to the right are gay activists, who blame Muslim immigrants for the rising number of attacks on gay couples.
On the other hand, "since [Van Gogh's] murder, a surprising [sic] number of native-born Dutch intellectuals have come around to the Muslim point of view," blaming not the perpetrators of violence but the critics of Islamicism for "pandering to Dutch prejudices and putting Muslims on the defensive."
Ayaat Hirsi Ali, outspoken critic of Islam, was put under police protection following the murder of her collaborator on the film "Submission," Theo Van Gogh.
Ayaat Hirsi Ali (above photo) "took particular exception to the Dutch policy of subsidizing more than 700 Islamic mosques, schools and clubs":
She said conservative Muslim men use them to perpetuate their ideas about gender and sexuality and to prevent Dutch Muslim women from exercising their legal rights.
Stuck in the amber of their moss-gathering, post-modernist worldview, with their Gramscian credentials and Marcusian inversions all lined up in a row, history-challenged Dutch leftists mindlessly compare "Submission" to Goebbels's Nazi propaganda film "The Eternal Jew" and imagine they can silence their enemies with accusations of "Orientalist tropes that the West has used since colonial times as an excuse to control and subjugate Muslims." Our personal favorite:
"The rise of Islamism is not the problem," [the director of Amsterdam's largest women's shelter, Karima] Belhaj said. "The problem is that hatred against Arabs and Muslims is shown in this country without any shame."
As we wrote in a post on the subject awhile back, "Reward anti-social behavior by telling the perpetrator he's a victim of society and it isn't his fault, and like any infant he'll keep on behaving badly."
Unfortunately the wold has an an abundance of people who have reasonable IQ but little or no common sense. I t ooves those who wish to see freedom continue in the West to subjegate these foolish people who have no understanding of how civilization works to ridicule. ie: "Intellectual Morons" filled with hubris.
Posted by: goomp | June 11, 2005 at 04:32 PM
"...blaming...the critics of Islamicism for...putting Muslims on the defensive."
By this contemptible logic, criticism of America would be grounds to bomb French schools, shot German tourists, and slit the throats of Italian exchange students.
Somehow I don't think these hypocritical appeasers would like that observation. :-)
Posted by: pst314 | June 15, 2005 at 03:05 PM