Photoshop montage of Hillary as Ilsa - She Wolf of the SS (reprint from our Hillary's Pink Offensive)
Does anyone else find it strange that virtually all commentators of the right -- including most A-list bloggers -- save Tony Blankley, Rush Limbaugh and possibly Sean Hannity, are treating the new Hillary book like a hot potato? Is it, perhaps, a case of the Clinton machine, with the goods it has on everybody who's anybody -- you remember FBI Filegate -- intimidating one and all to back off? Just asking. We were intrigued by Hannity's suggestion of bullying tactics:
Talk show host Sean Hannity broke the media censorship of the details of the new book by Edward Klein, "The Truth About Hillary."
But one of the nation’s top conservative talkers said the book had ingited a "huge controversy" and that even he was under enormous pressure to cancel his planned interviews with Klein for his ABC syndicated radio program and Fox News TV show.
"I've had more political pressure than I've ever had in all my years in radio," Hannity said to Klein after a blockbuster 90-minute interview with the controversial author.
Hannity did not elaborate on the source of the pressure to cancel the planned appearance.
Nor did he apparently buckle to the pressure, explaining to his radio audience, "We deal in controversy -- that's what we do here."
Well, come on, Mr. Hannity. It's not enough to claim unprecedented pressure and not tell us whence it came. We thought you were supposed to be on our side. You're no better than the rest of the MSM if that's all you can feed the gaping maw of public curiosity.
I can't say for certain that it's Bill O'Reilly..but Bill has openly said that he will not have Mr.Klein on his radio show or The Factor show on Fox News in the evening.
O'Reilly pretty much said that anyone giving Klein a forum was just contributing to "smearing".
Funny that The Today Show gave Kitty Kelly a couple of days to discuss her book on the Bushes..remember she supposedly had Neil Bush's ex-wife as the source of W's cocaine use at Camp David when his Dad was Prez..Sharon Bush later denied she was Kelly's source but I recall no one on the Dem side calling this a "smear" on Bush.
It sure is a mean and nasty time.
Posted by: Tara | June 22, 2005 at 08:36 PM
I'm only going by what I've read on the net about the book itself. But, it seems that this book is just as bad in writing garbage about Hillary as many of the left have been writing garbage about Bush.
I don't like Hillary, I don't trust her... but she certainly shouldn't be slandered or is it libeled? I can't remember which... this book is printing anonymously sourced stories about Bill raping Hillary... no - that is just wrong! Wrong Wrong Wrong!
We can stick to the issues to go after Hillary where we disagree with her. There is no need to make up things or to pass along innuendo.
I don't listen to Tony Blankley or Sean Hannity, but I have heard Rush extolling the virtues of this book... and I completely disagree with him. I think I need to post about that. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa | June 22, 2005 at 10:12 PM
Talk about pictures that make you go URP!
Posted by: Gayle | June 23, 2005 at 04:53 PM
You know, a friend and I we were discussing this. We were listening to Hannity while he had Klein on. At one point Hannity asked him why he had written the book on a personal level.
Klein said that with liberals, everything is personal in a nutshell. With that, he does have a point. Normally, I wouldn't care about the sordid details about someone's life. However, if this is a person driven by personal values, and that they put sex in our faces during their administration and that this drove them in some fashion, it is relevant. After all, Klein should know, he worked for the NY times.
Posted by: andophiroxia | June 24, 2005 at 02:26 AM