Our new blogfriends Beth, Janette and Jody of The Cotillion are the belles of the ball. The Web Mistresses' dance cards runneth over [via Merri at Merri Musings]:
Michelle Malkin: "Hot conservative gals of the blogosphere."
K.J. Lopez at The Corner on National Review Online: "What would Susan Estrich think?"
Ann Althouse: "A gathering place for conservative women bloggers."
Instapundit: "A lot of female bloggers from the right half of the blogosphere."
CNN's "Inside Politics": "A group of women whose voices they liked."
Paired with the Cotillion in CNN's lineup of "some of the collaborations and collections of bloggers that we are seeing on the web right now" was something called "The Big Brass Alliance":
. . . formed in May 2005 as a collective of progressive bloggers who support After Downing Street, a coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups formed to urge that the U.S. Congress [John Conyers et al] launch a formal investigation into whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war. The campaign focuses on evidence that recently emerged in a British memo containing minutes of a secret July 2002 meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top national security officials.
"Please feel free to steal the BBA logo and use it on your blog," says Shakespeare's Sister, founder of the Bush-bashing
Bad AssBig Brass Alliance. Isn't that just like a liberal, thinking one man's gain is another's loss? We're not stealing. We're copying, pasting and linking. A rising tide floats all boats, sister.
How nuanced. Hope springs eternal with the gotcha crowd, forever reaching for the brass ring. Suffice it say that "Bush Lied, People Died" is an article of faith with these folk. Check out a google search for "downing street memo discredited" to find all the usual suspects. But having to listen to John Conyers' disingenuous droning is its own punishment.
Congrats on the flying start for the ladies of the Cotillion.
Posted by: Teresa | June 01, 2005 at 07:11 PM
Hah! What a Constrast! Thanks Sissy!
Posted by: jody | June 01, 2005 at 08:14 PM
Contrast, even. Spelling is not a strong point...proof reading is even worse! :)
Posted by: jody | June 01, 2005 at 08:16 PM