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« La Petite Illusion | Main | Cats see things we don't »

May 27, 2005


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Roger L. Simon is one of the many liberal bloggers, commentators, and U.S./world leaders
who supported the Iraq war, and who have been supporting the liberal internationalist foreign policy of the Bush administration.

I may have, in the past, mispelled Condi's first name - but her last name?

Wait - I just looked at his post update, and I see that it is her first name after all (oops! - not a mispelling, but a typo... in this entry ;-)...

I actually thought that her first name was really spelled "Condaleeza"... Apparently, that's not the case.

Oops - that was a mistyping on my part. The comment that I typed initially used embedded links, but I then found out that they weren't used here. The link that was about liberal internationalism and our government's current foreign policy was this one:

I guess that this is the day for mistypings, mispellings, and misteaks.

Sissy, the problem is that if you change the title of the post in Blogger the permalink will change. All those readers coming from Glenn Reynolds, Roger Simon and Austin Bay would have gotten a "post not found" error. Imagine my frustration, therefore, to have discovered the typo after Glenn Reynolds linked!

By the way, it is the second time that has happened to me, which makes it all the more embarrassing. I also had a typo in the title of a post that Charles Johnson linked to back a couple of months ago, and had to leave it in for the same hideous reason.

Misteaks? Sounds yummy. :)

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