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« Mouthwateringly delicious grilling fare | Main | Read 'em and weep »

May 21, 2005


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Let us hope it is not too late for a rebirth of the ideals and the morals upon which this noble country was founded. I appreciate the efforts that you and other bloggers are making.

In this season especially, it is easy to forget some basic truths. Ideas that are foisted on feckless graduates abound - look only to Nooyi's nonsense. But then the President comes up with a clear statement about important ideas. What was even more useful to me was your reference back to the PR article comparing Gramsci and DeTocqueville. I had not read it before now. About a year before the article I had an extended discussion with an Irish friend who works in Mexico and commented favorably about Gramsci. I searched the web and found his characterizations troubling - we then had a long series of exchanges about the possible contributions of Gramsci. The article puts down in clear fashion many of the reservations I had about his work. Thanks for providing both coverage of the president's remarks as well as the tie to the article.

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