"The president of the Public Broadcasting Service on Tuesday rejected criticism by conservatives that public TV is guilty of liberal bias, and she offered a strong defense of PBS' Bill Moyers, a target of right-wing wrath," according to an AP report. Moyers was featured speaker at Sarah's Governor Dummer graduation a few years back (above photo) and roused our own right-wing wrath at that time with a totally predictable anti-American screed.
"I don't think they will come up with anything they don't want to hear," said Thomas Driscoll, Governor Dummer alumnus who carries the torch for those grads and parents -- including three generations of alums in our immediate family, Goomp, Ben, Sarah and Heather -- who are dead set against having their prep school alma mater's name changed by administrators who fear "Dummer" may be a turnoff for prospective students. We blogged about the controversy here and here earlier this year. The 900-pound gorilla in the Commons Room is the fact that the administration is trying to pull a fast one, treating alums and parents like children who must be coddled and lied to because they can't handle the truth. Looking back, we were struck with the resonance of what we said then within the ongoing cultural wars on the world stage:
Which brings us back to the cluelessness -- can you say insensitivity? (probably only if it has to do with PC causes) -- of the proposed jettison of Governor Dummer's name. We are reminded of the recent controversy re the EU's attempt to erase its Christian history from the new constitution for fear of offending other religions . . . How delicate. How nuanced. The EU is into erasing history for fear of offending politically correct "victims," while the powers that be at Governor Dummer seem only to be worrying about the bottom line. Either way, dumb and Dummer.
It seems that those who don't study history . . . Well, you know where that leads. Try to erase history at your own risk. Sooner or later, the dishonored dead will come back to haunt you. Or, in Governor Dummer's case, the dishonored alums and parents.
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