We just stepped in something.
Check out the comments (half and half) at Michelle Malkin's "The Wonkette-ization of Laura Bush," side by side with our own post, Laura would never say such things, for confirmation. You've got your libertarian types like ourselves who see Laura's raunch-lite standup at that inside-the-Beltway dinner the other night as a fatal blow for the opposition -- not to mention a hoot -- vs. your social conservative types like Michelle and half her commenters who are tut tutting. As one of Michelle's trackbackers' commenters says:
These were adults. Because no one expected her and Lynne Cheney at a Chippendale IS exactly WHY the joke was so funny.
Yah. That's what we thought.
It strikes me as odd that the horse joke is getting so much play as being dirty, when the jest is toward George being a "newbie" to the cowboy.
Maybe some on the 'right' are too focused on sex.
Posted by: Donna B. | May 03, 2005 at 08:37 PM
Finally! I was beginning to think maybe there was something wrong with me that I didn't find the horse joke as raunchy, much less dirty. And the fact that Laura and Lynne wouldn't go to a strip club is what I found funny, too! Thanks for restoring my faith in my own sense of humor.
Posted by: Deborah | May 03, 2005 at 09:34 PM
Laura's stand-up act was genius. Disarming, charming, ridiculous, a little risque but at the same time warm. Even my art professor - whom you may remember me ranting about on Inaguration Day because he highjacked the class to express his disdain for the man - had to chuckle at her today. The far righties - like the far lefties - will never be able to win the hearts and minds of the majority simply because they're unable to communicate with the majority. Laura proved that she can do just that.
I'm stunned that people actually interpreted the horse thing to be anything other than a joke playing along with how some people perceive W to be a little slow on the uptake. And did you see how he was beaming at his wife as she was cracking jokes? Wonderful!
Posted by: willow | May 04, 2005 at 06:35 PM