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« The Toastmaster who came in from the cold | Main | I am an 'umble man »

May 14, 2005


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Making life an adventure and keeping the mind moving are secrets to offset the depression that could set in if one were to concentrate wholey on the woes of the world and the ideas of the "Intellectual Morons".

I would expect nothing less from the Energizer Bunny of us all. :)

Some of the best art to be found nowadays is found art, I think. Since I walk by a series of chop shops and junkyards on my way to work, I'm always seeing pretty, shiny things to pick up. Sometime am going to have to get the guy to take some pictures of my wonderful hubcap collection.

As ever, beauty is in the eye -- in this case the camera's eye -- of the beholder. 'Can't wait to see your hubcap collection. :)

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