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« Media bias is good for business | Main | They aren't making enemies like they used to »

May 19, 2005


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That really is a great wildflower guide. Even though it's for the northeast, I use it a lot here in the south. Only if it fails to ID what I'm looking at do I go on to more "southerly" books... none of which are a tenth as good as Newcomb's.

Garlic mustard hasn't made its way down here yet. Maybe it just doesn't want to fight the kudzu, privet, and Japanese honeysuckle!

Absolutely the best. Glad it mostly works in your neck of the woods, too. :)

Great tip on the book. Alas, in California...

Finally figured out what struck me so strongly about the close-up photos - like the Snail and Geranium. Besides the general taste and technical proficiency they remind me of Eliot Porter's dye-transfer prints. I think that's why I initialy wondered at the clarity and saturation. Nope; just damned fine work. And awe-inspiring knowledge of the plants!

When the "F/64" school reigned, there was much criticism of his colors not being "real", since the process can be thoroughly manipulated. By now, the question has been largely resolved with a big fat BFD.

Great tip on the book. Alas, in California...

Finally figured out what struck me so strongly about the close-up photos - like the Snail and Geranium. Besides the general taste and technical proficiency they remind me of Eliot Porter's dye-transfer prints. I think that's why I initialy wondered at the clarity and saturation. Nope; just damned fine work. And awe-inspiring knowledge of the plants!

When the "F/64" school reigned, there was much criticism of his colors not being "real", since the process can be thoroughly manipulated. By now, the question has been largely resolved with a big fat BFD.

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