While United Press International and the immediate MSM slept, Roger L. Simon and a few other A-list bloggers and their allies* threw off the covers, jumped out of bed and came up with a business model to turn their hobby into the big megaphone and the big bucks. Check out the link for details:
Charles Johnson, Marc Danziger and I have been sneaking around over the last few months, trying to turn blogs into a business. We have enlisted some others with names familiar to you with the intention of working in two areas -- aggregating blogs to increase corporate advertising and creating our own professional news service.
"I'm out of the closet yet again as the new media project I'm working on with Roger Simon and Charles Johnson went public at the L.A. Press Club on Tuesday," chimed in Danzinger:
Much of what we're working on isn't really grist for public blogging yet. There's some potentially protectable IP, and a lot of business negotiations that are best held out of the public eye. If you're a blogger and interested in signing up to Phase I, which will be -- in simple terms -- an ad network, send an email to join-(at)-pajamasmedia.com [change -(at)- to @] and you'll hear back about some next steps.
The name of their outfit is PajamasMedia -- Pajamas for short, and the name of the future blog portal would be Blog News Service. How could any jammy-clad blogger resist? We sent the email, got all the stuff, signed and scanned the agreement and NDA and returned to sender. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for fame and fortune to descend:
Lately when I'm blogging all by myself
In the solitary gloom I call to myself
Hey there, you with the blogs in your eyes
Though he won't throw a crumb to you
You think some day he'll link to you.
No, but reallly. These boys represent some of the best minds -- with a range of necessary skills -- out there in the blogosphere. Their concept may not be ready for public blogging yet, but as Roger said in a return email to our query:
Well, the cat seems to be pretty well out of the bag at this point.
Cats? Pajama Games? The signs are lookin' good.
Update: Mustn't forget the bottom line. Roger adds:
Those interested in possibly investing in this enterprise, contact Our Man in the Silicon Valley (where else?) -- Tim Oren.
Follow the money. "When will old man Hasler break down And come up with our seven and a half cent raise?"
*A blogger can blogroll a king. Here's the A-list: Glenn Reynolds, Power Line, Charles Johnson, Hugh Hewitt, Roger L. Simon, Tim Blair, Marc Cooper, Marc Danziger, Wretchard and Larry Kudlow.
The blogger has come of age and it is fun to see Sisu in the vanguard.
Posted by: goomp | April 29, 2005 at 05:40 PM
I've signed, scanned, and returned the docs too. I'm excited about the prospects, though I'm wondering how my rather "flitting" fancy in choosing what to write about is going to fit in with this scheme.
Posted by: Donna B. | April 29, 2005 at 06:29 PM
I write what I want, therefore I am.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | April 29, 2005 at 07:07 PM
I just emailed them - didn't get too far yesterday with lots of work rearing it's head so I nearly forgot. This should be interesting to say the least.
Posted by: Teresa | April 30, 2005 at 07:16 PM