With camera in our right hand and superball from Tiny's collection in our left, we toss, shoot and retrieve, toss, shoot and retrieve till by sheer luck we get a couple of shots that capture the spirit of the game.
"Nardo's a bit particular about how that feather dangles and jumps around," writes Laurence of This Blog is Full of Crap in a shocking expose of the shameless manipulation of toys that catbloggers employ to get their cats to perform in front of the lens. His case is more complicated than most:
I kept trying to snap a good action photo of him, but I was doing the camera with my right hand, and my left hand's not as dexterous as it used to be . . . my southpaw just wasn't doing it for him like my right hand does.
No one ever said catblogging was going to be easy.
Striking a Statue of Liberty pose, Tiny lifts her paw beside the orange ball.
Using her tail as a rotational brake, she spins around as the ball flies out of bounds.
Sports photography is a natural, of course, when you have a Table Tennis Hall of Fur Champion in the house.
Update: For more championship action, visit the Friday Ark at Modulator.
The "Statue of Liberty Pose" is just great. The look on her face is priceless!
Posted by: Jeff | March 04, 2005 at 01:10 PM
Ah, I recognize that expression! Now if only I could capture it on my own cats...
Posted by: Kimberly | March 04, 2005 at 03:37 PM
The singleminded intensity... *grin* I love it.
Posted by: Teresa | March 04, 2005 at 04:11 PM
Cats know everything.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | March 04, 2005 at 07:31 PM