A page from our "Gardener's Journal" kept for Elize Lorenzi's "Perennials in the Mixed Border" class at Radcliffe Seminars 1991 shows early-spring bloomers flowering earlier than usual after a mild winter.
Early spring bloomers were flowering much earlier in the season back in 1991. As we noted then, "The winter has been notably mild, so we might expect things to be a little ahead of schedule." The earliest blooming maple, Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple), only now starting to flower in our side yard, was already in full bloom on March 6, 1991. Get those global-warming folks on the phone!
Heard a discussion about global warming on the weather channel. The Warmers did not want to accept that global warming is a natural occurance, but if it is, it is happening much faster due to human factors. Intellectual Morons.
Posted by: goomp | March 26, 2005 at 08:15 AM