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« Life imitates art | Main | CNN is starting to get it »

February 18, 2005


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We must face that what people generally understand to be liberals neither have nor want an understanding of human nature.They want to feel that they are so smart that they the can program how people will feel, act and react. Hence "Intellectual Moron" ie: high IQ and no understanding of human nature.

My sister has lived in NY city for many years... to the point where she could now be called a New Yorker. The attitude being you can't get anything outside of NYC. (from food to entertainment - for her NYC is the only place to find anything) She is a liberal... but couldn't bring herself to vote for Kerry.

As for the rose colored glasses. I've always been amused that liberals will expect other countries to always "play nice" and "tell the truth". These are attributes they would never expect from a personal adversary, but from a foreign government... sure.

Haven't been by in some time, but couldn't resist LOL at your putback of the "black & white" meme with the "rose colored glasses" line. Brilliant!

Oh those nuanced liberals, so wordly, knowledgeable, and benevolent. Until you ask them some hard questions, ask for some real diversity, or question their absolute superiority. Then you get the comments section of Daily Kos, which is none of the above!

Perfect call on this one Sissy!

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