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« You make me smile with my heart | Main | "Nothing but talk and concessions" »

February 14, 2005


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Our hearts were young and gay, and pink does accent your beauty.

Thanks, Goomp. And you ought to know, as you and Mummy were there bearing witness to our vows/vowoids. :)

Happy Anniversary!

The Way Cool Wife and I celebrate our 29th in July. It's great to see another long-time married couple.

It seems there are so few of us anymore.

You're right, Frank. The Few. The Proud. :)

Love the sideburns (his) and the hat (yours).

And, yes, you were Y&C, weren't you?

Just goes to show how much a woman can get away with if she's cute and pretty in pink! :) I could do the love and honor and adoreadoreadore but I think if the JoP asked if I would obey, I'd laugh out loud! And so would my Paul, since he's resigned himself to the fact that I never listen to him! (I let him think that...)

Happy Anniversary, Sissy and Tuck! Many happy returns. And happy Valentine's Day! What a wonderful day!

Our 26th anniversary is this year... we're working to catch up to you guys, now all you have to do is slow down. *grin* Anyhow, Happy Anniversary! Hope it's a wonderful day for you both.

Happy Anniversary to you & Tuck.

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