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February 08, 2005


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Abe Lincoln, a man who knew how to turn a phrase, said you can't fool all the people all the time. The self-centered "Intellectual Morons" who think that the "Blank Slate" idea of the human condition is valid should read your article. Over time all silly ideas such as Communism or Rule by Clergy or rule by "those who know what is best for the masses" suppress freedom and lead the people rise up to kill their oppressors in the stuggle for freedom that is the basic Human Nature. Your article should be required reading for our schools

Wow. Thanks, Goomp! :)

Goomp, why on Earth would you associate "the Blank Slate idea of the human condition" with Rousseau? They stand on opposite poles on the question of human nature. The "Blank Slate" proposed by Locke did not deny humans had a nature, Locke acknowledges instincts and a human sensibility. Why he denies in the phrase "Blank Slate" is that humans come with pre-formed ideas already in our minds. Indeed, Locke begins his argument with a long description of the "state of nature" and derives useful principles from it, such as consentual government and the labor theory of propery (I own it because I worked for it). Locke then goes on to argue that because I can sense the world, I can write upon my slate these observations of how the world works, reflect upon these ideas, and learn in a reasonable way. Therefore, I am not subject to a Leviathan to rule me (Hobbes), because I can self-govern. And secondly, I do this by observation of the world, not by innate ideas (Decartes).

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