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« Joy in the morning | Main | Well meaning but totally out of touch »

February 20, 2005


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It's a difficult situation all around. Everyone looks at it from their own point of view and finds the system lacking. I'm going to think about it for a bit and do a follow up post. This one was just off the top of my head this morning (before coffee - yikes!). And thanks for the link - you're a doll :-)

Will look forward to your follow-up post.

I may be the only person in the world who finds staying in the hospital to be almost like a vacation. I always go to a teaching hospital - which mean that the Drs. roam in packs, and the students ask you the same questions again and again, but that doestn' bug me. I actually think the key is the ability to sleep through having your blood drawn... I think that because in and out of the hospitals a lot as a kid I mastered that skill early in life.

Over the summer I had abdominal surgery and fought to stay an extra day (they wanted me gone after 36 hours)... because I knew that once I left I would be home all alone - and that was a bit scary. I could barely walk - let alone take care of myself.

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