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January 06, 2005


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No, don't replace the camera. Try rebooting Windows and if that doesn't work, try reinstalling Windows. The camera worked before, it is fine. Windows doesn't always work fine.

Just joking -- sorta -- re replacing camera. As a control, I tried my fall-back camera, which works fine. Looks like it may be the cable?

Cable + mouse + flash drive? I don't think so.

Hey, Mitch: It turned out to be the prongs in the camera where the cable plugs in. They were bent. Solution: Use card reader instead.

i have usb flash drive and i using win xp when i connect the flash drive it say usb device not recognized . Please help me

Blieve me or not other people had this problem and in some forum i read that if u leave u'r computer off and take out the power sockets (very imp) and leave it like this for about an hour all u'r USB ports will work fine

Iam having the same problem........ i'll try this with my comp and ee if my apple ipod works fine then

Give it a try..........no harm i guess

please help..
i have problem that when i insert my usb 2.0 card reader(SDMINI/SD/MMC/RS-MMC/T-FLASH), the error (usb device not recognized) pops up.

Amit: I don't have a specific answer for you -- am no expert and managed to solve my own problem only after google searching and trying different things . . .

Here's what I recommend to you: Type "usb 2.0 card reader device not recognized" in a google search and go on from there.

Best of luck.

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