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January 04, 2005


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Thanks for the link.

I thought the story about the bright ten year-old girl was great. She's going to have a great reason to make sure her own kids have inquiring, engaged minds.

The term "tidal wave" is just as legitimate as "tsunami." These waves also do not originate in harbors. The name "harbor wave" refers (perhaps) to the first perception of the "wave" in harbors where the water is shallower, while in deep water offshore it is nearly imperceptible. Note the girl's description of "the tide suddenly going out." Tsunamis, in appearance resemble sudden, strong high tides more than the classical "waves" we see rolling in on surf beaches. It makes sense for people familiar with tides to name these phenomona after the appearance of the event, just as the Japanese did.

Tsunami literally translates as "harbor wave." No one is saying they originate in harbors. As noted, they are generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, undersea slumps or meteor impacts. But the point here is that the adults didn't have a clue one way or the other.

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