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« Miss Piddy's Drawers | Main | "A martyr for the ballot box" »

January 15, 2005


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While scientists use seismic waves to study Earth's interior, Galileo performs remote studies of Jupiter's moons by measuring small changes in the spacecraft's trajectory as it passes each body.

How can we get the government to release daily the true story of traffic casualties along side US military vs Terrorist casualties and a true account of conditions in Iraq?

Thank you for the link! *grin* It's always a thrill to see my words quoted... and always a pleasant surprise.

Thank YOU, my dear, for providing grist for the blogmill.

I've heard that since so many good things are happening in Iraq now that Lonely Planet has a new Iraq travel guide ready to go to press as soon as the number of terror incidents goes below 100 per day .

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were rooting for the enemy, Evan. :)

Sissy, thanks for a great post! I think you've got it!

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