"I ask the Senate to confirm Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State today and Alberto Gonzalez* for Attorney General," said a self-confident President Bush at today's first news conference of the new term.
The President takes on all comers at a no-holds-barred press conference this morning, noting he prefers to "call on those who don't shout":
We anticipate a lot of Iraqis will vote. Clearly there are some that are intimidated. I urge all people to vote . . . to defy these terrorists . . . They have no postitive agenda. They are afraid of a free society. I am heartened by the strong words of Allawi. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. I anticipate a grand moment in Iraqi history. This is a long process. My inaugural address reflected the policies of the last four years. I think America is at its best when it leads toward an idea. I firmly believe that free societies are peaceful societies. We expect nations to adopt the values inherent in a democracy, which is human values and human dignity.
Bill Plante of CBS refers to RATS's accusations that Dr. Rice is lying:
Dr. Rice is an honorable, fine public servant who needs to be confirmed. She is going to make a wonderful Secretary of State.
NBC's David Gregory asks about GW's tax plan, military funding and the deficit:
Americans pay a lot of taxes. I made the commitment to our troops. We'll fund 'em. We have presented a plan and will present one later on in February that will cut the deficit in half and will obviously require some cooperation from Congress. We not only were attacked and therefore had to defend ourselves, but we also had a recession. Because of the tax relief, our economy is going forward.
John King of CNN says "clearly a majority of Americans think it was a mistake to go to war in Iraq, this is not what we were led to believe":
The story today is going to be very discouraging to the American people. We value life. It is the long-term objective that is vital, that is, to spread freedom.
A blushing Clark Cameron of FOXNews, newly assigned to the Presidential beat, asks re GW's Soshcurity plan:
I am looking forward to working with both Democrats and Republicans to developing a plan that will solve the problem of Social Security. Here's the problem, as dictated by just math. The system will be in the red in 13 years because people are living longer, and the number people paying into Social Security is getting less. The longer we wait, the more expensive the solution. Our job is to confront issues and not pass them on. I'm looking forward to taking the case to the American people.
How do you deal with those problematic countries like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia with whom we have broad interests?
I don't think foreign policy is an either-or option. I will constantly remind them of the importance of a government that respects human dignity . . . that welcomes religious freedom.
Where are you in the second term as it relates to race in America:
Civil rights is ownership . . . making sure all aspects of our society are open for everybody. We'd better shed ourselves of bigotry if we're going to lead by example.
A question re media people being paid by the administration to advance their agenda:
I expect my cabinet secretaries make sure that that practice doesn't go forward. We didn't know about this in the White House.
How are you going to work the people [Democrat nutcases] who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?
I'm going to address the American people directly -- as President Clinton did -- making the case . . . and reach out to Congress.
A question re progress in Iraq:
I think the Iraqi people are wondering whether this nation has the resolve to stand with them. The notion that somehow we're not making progress, I just don't subscribe. We have to put this moment in history in proper context. They wanna be able to vote. They wanna be able to participate. There's a notion that certain people don't have the ability to practice democracy, and I don't subscribe to that view. In my inaugural speech, I firmly planted the flag of liberty.
Re immigration:
It will be one of my priorities. I am against amnesty, but I want to advance a program that allows people to come to our country legally for a period of time to do work that Americans aren't willing to do.. The system right now spawns cayotes and smugglers. Family values do not stop at the Rio Grande River.
This president is on a roll.
Thanks for the clear annd concise picture of W's agenda. If he fails the US is history.
Posted by: goomp | January 26, 2005 at 05:36 PM
Empty words. The facts bely Bush's every claim. Social Security crisis? Hardly. And let's remember that there weren't terrorist entities in Iraq before the war began. The War on Al Qaeda has disappeared since Afghanistan.
Way to beat Bush's drum for him. I wonder what it would take for you to say he's wrong about ANYTHING?
Posted by: Screwy Hoolie | January 26, 2005 at 08:39 PM
Just read more of my blog, sir, and you will find me a libertarian type who carries no water for much of the President's social agenda.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | January 27, 2005 at 06:48 AM