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« Intelligent design? | Main | Condi rules! »

January 17, 2005


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La Shawn's right on, but there is no power for the liberal pols if people can make their way without intervention of the pols.

It sounds corny, but the statement "I create my own destiny" is true. Some allow their destiny to be chartered by a victim status mentality, where the fault for failure lies in how other people and institutions are the cause. Others refuse to accept that someone else's actions will determine their course, and take full ownership for how they respond to obstacles. "You can't keep a good man down". Again, corny, but so true.

The baseline requirement of government & individuals is to insure equality of opportunity, and that is all. The attainment of results from acting on those opportunities is the responsibility if the individual. We are created equal in God's eyes, and loved equally by Him. But from the moment of birth onward, we diverge down inequal paths based on events, opportunities and our reactions to them.

That, to me, is what liberty and freedom is - the freedom to fail or succeed, depending on my own efforts. Thank God for Dr. King & LaShawn & Sisu!

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