"Utter nonsense to be changing a name that has been in place and recognized as a respected institution for over 200 years," writes our Beltway correspondent, Sarah -- who also happens to be our darling niece -- re her alma mater, Governor Dummer's proposed "name refinement" blogged here:
Will be writing a letter from home tonight expressing my outrage and disappointment in the institution as a whole. All calls are encouraged, Auntie Sissy!!
She gives us courage. We have already emailed both the headmaster and prez and received a boilerplate, one-size-fits-all reply from [former?] headmaster Marty Doggett, quoting a letter to alumni ("Dear alumnus" . . . what about the alumnae, sir?) from Board of Trustees President Daniel Morgan that invites ridicule:
Improvement and growth are important to ensure the long-term viability of any institution. Today, we need to generate awareness and consideration among a broader geographic group of potential studients. We have determined that one of the actions we should take to achieve this strategic goal is to refine our school's name.
How sadly removed from intelligent discourse and gracious living to talk about "refining" our school's name and dump the idea full blown into the laps of alumni (according to alum Thomas H. Driscoll, who's spearheading the outraged response) without ceremony:
A nationwide study of prospective families and students, undertaken by a marketing company headed by an alumnus, as well as consultations with admissions and placement personnel at colleges, middle schools and private agendies, all confirm this conclusion . . . One of our first activities is to develop a thoughtful process that will elicit and consider feedback from key stakeholders, including graduates, parents, faculty, and students.
Where are the grownups? You gotta watch out for those marketing companies headed by alumni.
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