The classic wrought iron chairs on the terrace conceal their charms beneath burqas of powdery snow. Tuck proudly notes they have been "living outdoors since 1959," their debut on the deck of Tuck's parents' then new house in Wayland. "They've never been inside," he boasts, "and they don't have a spot of rust on 'em."
A snow day not just for Chelsea schoolchildren but for Chelsea bloggers, too. A power outage midday forces us away from the computer. Panic. How can we function without 24/7 access to the blogosphere? Remembering that the devil finds work for idle hands, we stood up with resolve, took a deep breath and made ourselves useful, undecorating the tree and going through several mile-high piles of reading material and such that had been accumulating for weeks, if not months.
The Christmas tree -- it's highest bough pictured here -- now stripped of its tiny white lights, tinsel and homemade felt ornaments -- has a stay of execution of sorts, being stuck into the snow by the front porch till further notice. That's the top of the portico's Doric capital in background.
A sense of accomplishment. Then, punctually at 3 p.m. -- as the electricity company had promised when we called earlier -- the power came back on, announced by the clicking and buzzing of a houseful of cheerful home electronics. Back to the blogboard.
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