SpongeBob finds a PETA-friendly way to look pretty in fur as Tiny's tail drapes itself effortlessly over his brow atop the computer in the countdown to supper.
Such a day we've had. Sure, Condi had to go before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but WE had to deal with plumbing, both household and feline. First it was the sewer pipe in the cellar, backed up so we couldn't use the new washer (It's always SOMETHING).
The cutting-edge tools of the plumber's trade -- Coil of fibre optic cable to which a TV camera is attached, "providing a video picture of the sewer line -- not pretty," says Tuck -- plus pump and jackhammer (not pictured) -- were called into service to try to locate the point of contention in the backed-up sewer line in the basement and then get the water flowing again.
The challenge was to locate the point (dark circle, upper center in photo) where the pipe turns away from the house to leave the cellar. It took nearly all day jackhammering the cement floor (oh, our ears!), but the plumber finally found the turn, got the water flowing, and we have a plan. Will try to hobble along till spring, when it will be easier for him to dig up the old and lay in the new. Tuck managed to talk the boss down to half price. That's our man!
Then came Baby's plumbing. Another episode of not being able to relieve himself. Has had it before from time to time through the years, but you always worry about blockage. Vet said it looks good. Inflammation but no blockage. Anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, special food for a few days, call the vet in the morning. Phew. Fortunately, he LOVES the special food. Administering the pills, of course, is another story.
Poor Baby, must be hard to see your kitty suffer. Trying to get pills down a cat is a challenge. Have you tried hiding the pills in some canned kitty food? If they can be crushed, that might be a way to get it in Baby. Sometimes have to be sneaky. Works with kids.
Posted by: mog | January 19, 2005 at 02:26 AM
Yes, hiding them in the food often works, although not always. Fortunately, these cats vacuum their food, so if you hide the pill well enough, they never know they took it. :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | January 19, 2005 at 05:15 AM