Our nomination for Urban Creature's Sexiest Right-Wing Death Beast Awards: Because of, not in spite of, stupid!
"This is a chance to celebrate the only thing these men have to offer left-wing people like me: eye candy," writes Aussie Aaron Hewett [via Tim Blair via InstaPundit], who is running the Sexiest Right-Wing Death Beast Awards:
I have met some drop-dead gorgeous men in my time, who I've striked up [sic] a conversation with and found out that they're complete right-wing tossers.
Simply email me with a recent photo of them (including their face) and a link to their right-wing blog or anything they've written that would, in my opinion, be considered right wing. Then I will post their picture up on my blog and people can cast their votes.
We couldn't resist. This guy is a big-time winner stateside. Let's see how he does down under.
Not only did I vote for the above RWT, but often --not always-- I think he's pretty damn cute. When he was young, no doubt that he was a handsome dog. Now in his mid 50's, he's in great shape and has a terrific smile, plus that Texas twang is pretty attractive. I think he looks like Clint Black's older brother. (For you Ozzites, Clint is an Amurrikan country singer). Now my shameful secret is out!
Posted by: Abraxas | January 17, 2005 at 11:10 PM
George has been added.
However, I would urge people to vote for these right-wing bastards on the basis of their sexiness rather than their fame.
Posted by: Aaron Hewett | January 18, 2005 at 03:10 AM
Eye of the beholder, Aaron. :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | January 18, 2005 at 08:36 AM