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« "Europe is losing itself" | Main | Bah, humbug. »

December 20, 2004


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I couldn't disagree more, Sissy. Why must aging be a sin? Perhaps women should seek to age with grace and dignity rather than search for eternal youth via "smoke and mirrors." If a woman has lived her life with purpose and moral values, isn't her inner beauty somehow reflected in her appearance? My mother is graceful and beautiful because she is more of her essentail self now than ever before - her body, betrayed by time, has revealed her.

OUCH! ;)

You're totally right, Mabs, but I still haven't been able to come to terms with no longer turning heads. I'm trying to make brain-in-a-jar work for me, turning heads with my prose. Your mother's courage puts my own petty concerns to shame.

Oh. And the same is true of certain older men who don't age well. Mostly men age better than women, but not all of them, by any means. Some of their wizened old faces just don't work on TV. It's a fact of life.

I must be "of a certain age" myself. I thought Hill was growing more intelligent and less patient with the happy-face chatter. She seems as tho she actually has some thoughts that she wishes to express.

Why can't we have smart women on TV? Don't the networks realize that smart is 1,000 times more appealing than childish Barbie faces?

Or maybe they do. Childish stupidity is more available in fantasy than smart women. Smart women are more selective, have higher standards, are not mere fantasy playthings.

Smart is a better sell and a better buy for the viewer.

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