Strange bedfellows Baby and Tiny share the warmth during a 20.1-degree, three-dog pre-dawn moment. Note puddy greeting card with yellow feather in the cat's mouth -- upper left -- from Sarah. Her cards -- classy and perfectly attuned to the inner life of the recipient --always seem to wind up on display on the kitchen sill.
Winter chill brings tribal warriors Baby and Tiny to a truce-- the lion lies down with the lamb -- over the grate in the kitchen counter above the radiator. The only other time they allow themselves to be that close to each other without hissing and whacking would be those moments out of time when the Friskies can is being opened, food being decanted into the bowls and breakfast or supper inhaled (also called vacuuming). They are not dainty eaters.
'Tis the season for loving families.
Posted by: acjgoomp | December 16, 2004 at 08:07 AM
LOL. Amazing, isn't it?
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 16, 2004 at 08:21 AM