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December 06, 2004


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A woman or a man who does not become grossly obese can grow older gracefully and maintain dignity and respect without becoming a scarecrow and a wax figure, and if such a person shows wisdom shares our respect and confidence.

It just creeps me out. Must this be the new face of the Democratic Party? I mean, for goodness' sake the campaign slogans write themselves.

Politics is a nasty business. :)

And then there's Hillary's facelift(s). Notice how her eyebrows keep rising and rising?

. . . along with her self regard.

Just saw her on the State-of-the-Union response. W/ the sound muted, it was like watching someone from The Twilight Zone. [Think it's the high eyebrows and that 'middle' eye liner that does it!]....

You can't prepare yourself for such a sight =:O

I cannot listen to what Nancy Pelosi says for looking at the botched nose job she had done. I don't know who did it for her, but she should get her money back! The implant at the upper part of her nose (called the glabella) sticks out on the right side and looks as if it might extrude (come out through the skin). Check it out next time you see her on TV, which will be quite often I'm sure over the next two years. Her mammoplasty (boob job) is also over the top! Is that her idea of what looks good or her rich husband's? Their body image is distorted - I'm not sure we want someone like that as speaker of the house! What is she likely to come up with, if that's how she sees the world?

i'm an australian and i have never seen this woman in my life but oh my she is scary what's with the eyebrows. She looks permanently surprized. Oh she just freaks me out. I'm disturbed just looking at her.{:0

Wow, that is a scary picture!

Nancy has had a lot of plastic surgery, but she is by no means ugly or scary. She just needs to find a better surgeon.

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