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« Is it soup yet? | Main | We should all be as happy as kings* »

December 08, 2004


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This is why we at TigerHawk have written about, among other things, family vacations, constitutional rights, the question of submissive urination, pylar cysts, University of Iowa basketball and football, numismatics, comic books, child rearing, (being in favor of) the use of cell phones in public places, the Olympics, donkeys, insects (the TigerHawk sister being an entomologist), our ancestors, charter schools, healthcare finance, New Jersey politics, and any number of other exciting subjects, in addition to national security matters. If I wanted to be an expert, I'd become one. It therefore follows that I must be a dilettante. Oh well.

Ok, fine, no quabbles here. BUT, can you PUHLEEEAASSE tell us this:

Where THE **** is Allah, and why isn't he blogging anymore????????? C'mon, Liberal Larry & IMAO are fine & good as far as they go, but ALLAH, he is satire GOD, he is OMNIPOTENT!

And he is .....gone????? Cmon, Sissy, give us the scoop.

All I can tell you, Michael, is that God moves in mysterious ways.


Indeed he does. But can you tell me, is he moving back this way, ie toward blogging again?????

Sheesh....cryptic bloggers.

Well, pass on that he is sorely missed, and the least he could have done was to show HIS FACE long enought to celebrate with the SOX FANS on the Day of All Holy Days (ie world series game 4Z), and with the RED STATERS on election day.

Oh Great Allah, at least give us crumbs from the masters table....

I appreciate your angst, Michael. I am just a mortal . . . Have no special line to Allah except that he fell for my line . . .

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