"If you put your eggs in multiple baskets and diversify your blogging portfolio, you may not be known for a single area of expertise or become the go-to man for a certain subject. But what you lack in focus you will gain in diversity of content as well as blogging opportunities," writes Laurence Simon of TBIFOC in a thoughtful and oviferous essay responding to and enlarging upon our own previous post about what floats a blogger's boat. Unwittingly, both Simon and we have managed to summon the voice of God himself -- Allah is in the House -- with our musings. Allah observes in Simon's comments:
I agree 100%. I actually used this very same analogy when Michele and I were talking about blogs a few days ago. She has a wide range of interests so she's not beholden to the news cycle like warbloggers are. On the other hand, when big news breaks, she's likely to get a smaller traffic bump from it than the pure warbloggers since people will naturally turn to them first for reaction.
One holds a diversified portfolio, the other has put everything into terrorism. Over the long term I think the latter group will do better in terms of exposure because there'll be enough big terror incidents to keep the news cycle turning. But if the goal is to have something interesting to write about every single day, then no question: diversification is the way to go.
Fascinating stuff, as Allah says, like life itself. When the wolf is at the door, we look not to the poet but to the men and women of action to keep us safe. Once the adrenaline settles down and we feel more secure, we can indulge once again in the finer pleasures we imagine to be our birthright. Allah -- who knows the measure of his Creation -- reminds us that the forces of darkness in our own human nature will always be lurking just beyond the campfire.
This is why we at TigerHawk have written about, among other things, family vacations, constitutional rights, the question of submissive urination, pylar cysts, University of Iowa basketball and football, numismatics, comic books, child rearing, (being in favor of) the use of cell phones in public places, the Olympics, donkeys, insects (the TigerHawk sister being an entomologist), our ancestors, charter schools, healthcare finance, New Jersey politics, and any number of other exciting subjects, in addition to national security matters. If I wanted to be an expert, I'd become one. It therefore follows that I must be a dilettante. Oh well.
Posted by: Jack | December 08, 2004 at 02:13 PM
Ok, fine, no quabbles here. BUT, can you PUHLEEEAASSE tell us this:
Where THE **** is Allah, and why isn't he blogging anymore????????? C'mon, Liberal Larry & IMAO are fine & good as far as they go, but ALLAH, he is satire GOD, he is OMNIPOTENT!
And he is .....gone????? Cmon, Sissy, give us the scoop.
Posted by: Michael | December 08, 2004 at 04:01 PM
All I can tell you, Michael, is that God moves in mysterious ways.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 08, 2004 at 04:09 PM
Indeed he does. But can you tell me, is he moving back this way, ie toward blogging again?????
Sheesh....cryptic bloggers.
Well, pass on that he is sorely missed, and the least he could have done was to show HIS FACE long enought to celebrate with the SOX FANS on the Day of All Holy Days (ie world series game 4Z), and with the RED STATERS on election day.
Oh Great Allah, at least give us crumbs from the masters table....
Posted by: Michael | December 08, 2004 at 04:38 PM
I appreciate your angst, Michael. I am just a mortal . . . Have no special line to Allah except that he fell for my line . . .
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 08, 2004 at 04:59 PM