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« A man for all reasons | Main | There's nothing like the real thing »

December 28, 2004


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Nice to see you on the Web.



Hi, David. I'll bet it was "sisu" that caught your eye.

"Sisu" coupled with the Eastern Minerals salt pile, and I knew I was home. Regards to Tuck.


Regards to Barbara. Are you still in Lynn? Tuck amazed to hear from you and sends his regards as well.

Nice Job! An informative, often humorous, well written blog-- and the Chelsea Creek never looked so good.

There is intelligent life under the bridge after all.

I've been in Chelsea since 1998. Barbara and I parted ways in 1987.

Trivial Pursuits: The first couple of times out, you crashed my default browser:Opera7.54.u1 (XP_SP2 1280 optimal LCD). Although I must admit, even on a popped cache, I've not been able to replicate the problem. Lookin' good i FF1.0, and IE6.0.

Problem may be *in part* to numerous errors on your HTML file(s)-- 111+ errors on the file I attempted to validate.

For what it's worth, run them through Tidy Online <http://infohound.net/tidy/>. Tidy will inform you of the errors,and correct many if not all of them--- plus wash your car while you wait...

I'm forever forever grateful for the friendly comments people make regarding my site, and hope you will take these comments in like spirit.



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