Mother of Cats Psycho Cat -- seemingly placid amongst pillows and draperies in a deceptively odalisque-like pose -- plots next assault on Mind of Mog's most prized possessions.
"Now if I let the cats sleep with me I could come up with some tales to tell," writes Susan of Mind of Mog:
But my room has become a repository of everything the cats want to destroy which I don’t want them to destroy so they get to stay out. So, I’ll share a picture of everyone’s favorite psychotic cat instead.
We've ordered our Mind of Mog mugs and such -- not to mention Tiny and Baby gear, of course -- and are looking forward to many a visit from the UPS man any day now (Victoria's Secret, Hammacher Schlemmer, etc). Oh, yah, and speaking of cats (WAD), be sure to check out this week's Carnival of the Cats at
Read an article that says having a dog lowers one's blood pressure, but having a cat does not. Cats have too little of the pack instinct and have to assert themselves. More like many humans than a dog is my guess.
Posted by: acjgoomp | December 14, 2004 at 10:41 AM
Not true re cats. Think Lucie purring in your lap. Whom are you going to believe, some article or your eyes? :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 14, 2004 at 11:46 AM