"For those of you with a strong stomach and a sense of humor: Here's a Dutchman's X-mas wish from the Canary Islands," writes Arjan Dasselaar of Zacht Ei in an ailurocentric seasonal greeting from the Low Country.
Speaking of cats and Christmas, the Father of All Cat Bloggers, Laurence Simon, has brought the Carnival of the Cats "home for the holidays for its fortieth edition." Tiny and Baby and a host of festive felines are there putting on the dog.
But I thought that Kevin Drum was the father of catblogging. After all, it was in the New York times, so it must be true!
Posted by: Laurence Simon | December 27, 2004 at 10:22 AM
Drum is a wuss. Gave up catblogging, which he absurdly restricted to Fridays only -- no cat would dream of it -- when the commenters scolded him for not sticking to "serious" subjects. Also, New York Times? What's that?
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 27, 2004 at 10:44 AM
I showed Cat the picture of his colleague with a mouse and suggested he might do something useful like that. He barfed. He's the real wuss!
Posted by: Tom Carter | December 27, 2004 at 09:36 PM