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December 07, 2004


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That was beautiful! I am lucky that I still have my mom around! I just don't know what I would do without her!

You -- and your mom -- are blessed, Brooklynn. All best to you both. :)

Thank you and Susie for such a beautiful remembrance and tribute to your dear mother and my sweet loving wife. It chokes me and brings tears to my eyes.

What a lovely tribute. We who have mothers like that are so fortunate. I say 'have' instead of 'had' because the most important things my mother gave to me, did not leave me when she died.

Beautiful sentiments, Donna. Thank you.

I just read your blog for the first time today. This entry about your mother has brought tears of empathy to my eyes. My own beloved mother is currently afflicted with ALS and we (her family) are just devastated. We feel so helpless and frustrated as this relentless disease keeps marching forward claiming another part of her dignity.

My love and empathy are with you and your mother and family. May she not suffer too long and always look over your shoulder with joy.

Oh, Sissy, that is so beautiful!

Happy Mother's DAY Mrs. Willis !

your post made me a little teary eyed...

Best wishes...

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