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December 25, 2004


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Merry Christmas, Sissy. Nice meeting you this year!

Don't know if it's geographically possible, but I hope Heikki Luntta (? sp) has paid you a visit.

Heikki Lunta, I believe -- no special knowledge on my part: Looked it up on Google. Thanks for piquing my curiosity. :)

He left only a dusting of predawn snow that melted away after sunrise. Some years in these parts we get Christmas blizzards, other years, lots of warming sunshine and blue skies. As Mark Twain is said to have said -- attributed but not sourced, -- "If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a minute."

The feeling is mutual, Jack. :)

Awwww, look at that kitty go! Haha! I think cats are great!

My mother in law is Finnish, so we were probably doing about the same thing. Herring, right? And potatoes and kolrootslata ( I don't know how to spell that but it is kind of a turnip souffle and really good). I realized what made it good when I helped this year and saw a whole stick of butter go into it.
And a special ham from Wikstroms and marzipan pigs ( thought that may be a Swedish tradition, my father in law)
And glugg of course and a beer drink called Moma.

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