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December 03, 2004


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Thanks for a great Travel Log and a heartwarming 'Day to be Remembered" with family.

Actually, there is no confusion. Original correspondence between the South Church Building Committee and Parris still exists, leaving no doubt as to the building's designer. By 1826, Parris was living and working in Boston -- he did not visit the Portsmouth site until some time after the project was complete; Folsom was superintendent during construction -- the design was rendered in absentia. Parris's work in Portland (ME), projects in Richmond (VA) and in Boston, as well as South Church, had all contributed to his growing reputation. But South Church in Portsmouth was perhaps foremost in the minds of the United First Parish Church of Quincy when they engaged Parris as architect for their new building. Formerly known as the "Stone Temple," it is considered by many to be Parris's masterpiece. A tour of the Quicy site is well worth the time and includes the tombs of two American Presidents and their wives -- John and Abigail and John Quincy and Louisa Adams.

For details, see Zimmer, Edward. “The Architectural Career of Alexander Parris (1780–1852).” Ph.D dissertation, Boston University, 1984 (not available online).

Alexander Parris Digital Project

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