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« Working around the stack overflow | Main | Ya gotta know the territory* »

November 08, 2004


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Good heavens - stack overflow now that's about the last kind of message I would expect! It's definitely a problem with the machine/code at typepad... I'm glad they resolved it.

I tried my hardest not to listen to any post election junk last Tuesday. They just make up whatever suits and try to fit the rest in with whatever view they are presenting. I wish it was as easy to ignore the continuing idiocies that are being used to explain Kerry's defeat. I can't decide whether to laugh or start throwing rocks at them!

I'm glad the problem is over!! :) I have the impression that the dems simply won't get it. They will always spin truth to find a way out of their messes. So much for the reality-based community. They will never get it, IMO because in order to understand reality as it is they will have to cope with a string of issues they simply don't want to accept. As sad as it is, I declare them beyond redemption. I think that what will happen is that people will keep dropping off their ranks and becoming something else, independents, republicans, or something. It's already happening. God bless all :)

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