"Holland is now the crucible of Europe. Not even the most tolerant people on earth can tolerate the Islamists," writes Daniel Johnson in Opinion Telegraph [via Tim Blair] re the Dutch response to their recent obscene mugging by reality:
The assassination of Theo van Gogh, the Dutch film-maker whose funeral took place yesterday, is something new in Europe. There are, of course, antecedents. Fifteen years have passed since Ayatollah Khomeini issued his fatwa against Salman Rushdie: the first shot in the culture war between fundamentalist Islam and the West. But there is no precedent for the ritual slaughter of a prominent artist in broad daylight on the streets of Amsterdam.
Now, with the manifestation of a violent form of intolerance in their midst, the iron has entered their souls. After decades of welcoming immigration and preaching multiculturalism, they now propose to expel failed asylum-seekers and to assimilate those who settle, rather than permit de facto religious segregation. If neo-conservatives are liberals who have been mugged by reality, the Dutch are fast becoming a nation of neo-conservatives.
Van Gogh's murder has proved him right about the hardline Islamists. Their ideology is inimical to all that the Dutch hold dear.
Holland's 9/11? Our own 9/11 woke up 51% of the population. Will the majority of live-and-let-live Dutch finally get it that the Islamists don't want them to live?
Van Gogh's film, designed to draw attention to the oppression of women in Islam, is available here [via Charles Johnson]. We watched about 2/3 and had had enough, knowing this stuff deep in our gut. We don't need a film to enflame us but were taken with the slaughtered film-maker's mother's warning, similar to our own "Freedom is not free":
Remember freedom is not granted to people who are frightened.
Update: CNN International is reporting a terrorist-related raid on a house in the Hague. How do you say "Let's roll!" in Dutch?
This just in: "Well, you can't have a tolerant country if you're not willing to get tough with the intolerant," quips InstaPundit, lending us a lovely InstaLanche.
*Update II: Reader Adam answers the question in our headline: Krijg het rollen. Could anything be cooler?
Or, as we continue to learn the hard way, "Freedom isn't free"
Posted by: EagleSpeak | November 10, 2004 at 08:48 AM
Krijg het rollen
Posted by: Adam | November 10, 2004 at 09:15 AM
Right on, EagleSpeak. And thank you so much, Adam. Could anything be cooler? :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | November 10, 2004 at 09:45 AM
That honestly sounds like a babelfish translation or something of the sort.
I would translate it with something like "Aan het werk" or something like that. There is no good translation that stays close to the english sentence AFAIK.
Posted by: Frank Quist | November 12, 2004 at 01:08 AM
Check this out, Adam and Frank:
Let's translate!
Posted by: Sissy Willis | November 12, 2004 at 04:36 AM
Another point: "Will the majority of live-and-let-live Dutch finally get it that the Islamists don't want them to live?"
95% of Dutch muslims are peace-loving citizins, who are becoming more and more integrated with Dutch society. There is, however, a small group of people, who fail to become a part of Dutch society, and start to become fundamentalist. It is very hard to see where a normal muslim starts and where a voilent fundamentalist begins.
Secondly, since the death of Pim Fortuyn, two years ago, extreme right-wing elements have become more active. Some of them you could easily call facists. It's those people who now set fire to mosques and islamic schools. And, yes, it scares me. Fortunatly, it has been quiet for two days now, but this society is still searching for the right answer to this.
Posted by: maarten | November 12, 2004 at 05:21 AM