Ever the opportunist waiting outside the herd, Tiny moves in for a vulnerable bit of salmon hors d'oeuvres in the battle fog of a kitchen disaster as the oven comes halfway out of the wall, taking the bean pot with it, flinging pot and contents across the floor.
Astonishingly, while the cover smashes to pieces (they always do) the pot itself -- and most of its contents -- are spared, the pot landing on its head and contents cushioning the fall. Elves -- Susie and Ellen -- move in quickly for recovery ops, while Ben, cat-like, goes for the jugular of a stray hot dog at the periphery and pops it into his mouth. Again, cat-like, we wash our collective paw and continue on with a triumphant triple-birthday meal.
Elves return for the final clean-up, making it look like a piece of cake.
Next morning we discover Dolly's tires are uniformly underinflated, SuperTuck whips out his trusty tire inflator to get them up to speed, and Susie is on her way in her cute little car.
Then it's back inside to the Sunday Reading Room for Captain Horatio Hornblower, His Excellency George Washington and a little Sunday-morning blogging.
Portable tire pump: no home should be without one. (Useful on lawn tractor tires and portable wading pools as well.) Likewise: battery-powered screwdriver, wall-plugin flashlight, wet-dry shop vacuum (useful for stray baked beans) and, of course, jumper cables.
Posted by: The Prop | November 07, 2004 at 10:50 AM
My husband says, with an appreciative smile, "Absolutely!
Posted by: Sissy Willis | November 07, 2004 at 11:07 AM