Who, me? It's Condi, say Drudge, Fox, MSNBC, CNN et al.
"White House officials said Monday they expect President Bush to name Condoleeza Rice to replace Colin Powell as secretary of state, sources told FOXNews on Monday night":
If nominated and confirmed, RIce would be the second woman and the second African American to be the nation's top foreign policy representative.
Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley will take Rice's place as head of the NSA upon her confirmation.
A most awesome human being, and far closer both personally and in philosophy than Colin Powell to the President. As Colin himself said in his resignation announcement earlier today, "I think there are still challenges out there, but I think there are more opportunities." Mandate in hand, GW is striking while the iron is hot.
Two people who I admire tremendously. They have both had extremely difficult and thankless jobs since that morning in September. They are amazing.
Posted by: Teresa | November 15, 2004 at 11:11 PM