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« "We're going to write the book" | Main | Chelsea Projections »

November 05, 2004


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I loved "St. George slays the dragon"! [sorry, it's your earlier post] :)

Why is it so many mothers don't teach common civility now? Well, some do. My Mom had me doing it before I could write, but it seems a lost art - or are we too email driven?

My step-daughter was never introduced to thank you cards by her Mom, so now HER children are not learning about them. This drives me crazy. I can hear my mother's voice in the background of my mind... "...now sit down and write Aunt Helen a nice thank-yew for that..."


Nice note, Pam. Thank you so much. :) I can't help but wonder whether the coarsening of society -- as represented by the loss of such habits of civility as writing thank-you notes -- may have something to do with what's wrong with those Bush-hating relics from the sixties who are now beside themselves with violent resentment because they didn't get their own way in the election.

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