As Goomp said in his comment to the previous post: "And behold! There is beauty in the material side of life." Here the piles of salt across the street, assuming the angle of repose, take on the spirit of a fresh snowfall on sloping hills.
As we were capturing snapshots of the Sheeleresque light effects playing on the industrial waterfront as viewed from the front porch, we noticed the elegant choreography of the process of getting salt out of the ship's hold, onto the ground and then into the trailer of a salt-hauling truck:
1. Overhead crane swings bucket into ship's hold and comes out laden
2. Bucketloader (yellow vehicle, lower left) stands by next to salt truck (silver, lower right)
3. Crane bucket (gray, upper right) drops salt between bucketloader and salt truck
4. Busketloader scoops up load after load and dumps into truck JIT for the crane's next delivery
5. Repeat
"On the Water Front", sunrise ballet.
Posted by: acjgoomp | November 01, 2004 at 08:43 AM