"Boston, New York, DC, and the planes’ destination of California -- these were places that voted AGAINST Bush! Why kill them?" emailed the monomaniacal Michael Moore on September 12, 2001, Larry Ribstein of Ideoblog reminds us [via Ann Althouse at InstaPundit]:
Many families have been devastated tonight. This just is not right. They did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! . . . Why kill anyone? Such insanity . . . Let’s mourn, let’s grieve, and when it’s appropriate let’s examine our contribution to the unsafe world we live in.
At the time, we dismissed Moore's hysterical rantings as loony left logorrhea. Now we know better. Looking back at the post-9/11 Moore mouthings, in the wake of the damage his demagoguery has done to the administration's and the nation's credibility among the weakest-minded of our own citizens and leftist fellow travelers around the world -- not to mention Osama's adoption of Moorish rhetoric in his latest Bush-bashing tape -- we realize that Michael Moore is right up there with George Soros trying to undermine our democracy. We, the citizens, are too stupid to figure things out for ourselves, of course. Moore is, in fact, telling all who will listen that Americans are "the stupidest people in the world." Soros and Moore know what is best for us, and each wants to be a kingmaker -- one via ill-begotten billions, the other with Riefenstahl-lite propaganda that assumes the cluelessness of its audience-- and each has made remarkable inroads while the rest of us were preoccupied trying to keep the world safe for democracy.
Could Osama -- ironically, without a shot -- by echoing Moore rhetoric in a tape viewed worldwide, be Moore's final undoing?
Update: InstaLanche. How sweet it is. Just checked our Site Meter stats, which usually hover around 25-75 at this hour of a Sunday, and suddenly, 1,000 pairs of eyes are reading this post! Update II: 2,904 visits in the last hour. Update III: Best month ever, with 33,000 for October, 11,750 of which came in a single day, yesterday from - where else -- the aforementioned InstaPundit nod.
*Reference to Andalusia, known as the Moor's last sigh after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella drove the Moors across the Straight of Gibralter from Spain into North Africa.
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