"If you want to know how John Kerry will attack the President in the afternoon, just read the Times in the morning," writes Bush/Cheney '04 Campaign Manager Ken Mehlman in an email to the faithful (that would be ourselves). Charles Johnson catches the ball -- the Times report and Kerry soundbites spinning it to GW's disadvantage have been all over the blogosphere and cable TV today -- and runs with it:
The United Nations, trustworthy purveyor (along with the New York Times) of the Global Truth, is reporting that almost 380 tons of high explosives are missing from a site in Iraq.
John Kerry, whose campaign issues are increasingly drawn from the pages of the morning’s New York Times, uses this news to attack the President: Kerry Slams Bush for "Great Blunder" in Iraq.
Have you noticed how everything the King of Negative says these days recalls his haunting 1971 Senate testimony? Perhaps we were wrong to call him him a waffler. Everything seems to echo the trial by fire of those searing, searing moments of his tormented youth. Compare this quotation from Kerry's speech today with those words of yore:
Kerry, who a day ago accused Bush of trying to scare Americans about the war on terror, said the missing material could be used "to kill our troops, our people, blow up airplanes and level buildings" in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan (Just kidding about that last part)
John Kerry in a joint appearance in Philadelphia today with Bubba, trotted out from his sickbed to lend some oxygen to the flagging campaign of his party's standard bearer
. . . had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.
Winter Soldier Investigation Senate testimony April 1971
We'd been worrying about this story all day. Does it have legs? Is it such a big deal? We were comforted by International Blogger of the Year Charles Johnson's sensible words:
I guess John Kerry feels we were safer when the material was in the hands of Saddam Hussein, because after all . . . Saddam was no threat, even though . . . he had hundreds of tons of high explosives that could be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, but . . . he had no plans for WMD . . . uh . . . but . . .
I’m getting a headache.
Take two Little Green Footballs posts, and call me in the morning.
Personally, I would have found the story laughable even if it had been true. Loony left liberals have been telling us for months that since we didn't find huge stockpiles of WMDs that there was no justification for the war in Iraq, that the war was a huge mistake, that Saddam Hussein was no threat to us. Yet now they would have us believe that 380 tons of CONVENTIONAL high explosives are some kind of huge threat to us? Could you silly people please keep your story straight?
Keep in mind that Saddam Hussein's Iraq had about 600,000 TONS of munitions stashed around the country, about 50 pounds worth for every man, woman and child in Iraq. You could not swing a dead cat in Iraq and not hit something explosive, but of course, Saddam was no threat to anyone (because he apparently no longer had WMDs, which we only discovered after the fact). Riiiiiiight.
The bigger story here is that mainstream media sources like the New York Times are now willing to publish any fabrication if they think it will help Kerry win this election. Walter Duranty, anyone? It's no wonder that Americans' trust of and respect for the MSM is at an all-time low.
Posted by: BarCodeKing | October 26, 2004 at 08:10 AM
Thanks for your great comments, BarCodeKing. For readers' info, here's the dope on Walter Duranty:
Pulitzer-Winning Lies
Posted by: Sissy Willis | October 26, 2004 at 09:34 AM
Code King:
by Walter Duranty, Times Staff writer.... Jayson Blair also contributed to this story.
If I buy a Times and line my birdcage with it, will my budgies turn blue? Enquiring minds want to know. Polly wanna global test?
I'll take some of those LGF posts, too, with a hot compress to help the drainage.
Posted by: bugscawfey | October 26, 2004 at 01:54 PM